90 Miles From Tyranny : Why Does ‘Never Again’ Keep Happening Again

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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Why Does ‘Never Again’ Keep Happening Again

Genocide is the systematic and deliberate attempt to extinguish a race, ethnic group, social group or religion.

After the most well documented and systematic act of genocide in recorded History, the so-called Final Solution to the Jewish Problem perpetrated by the death cult known as the Third Reich, the surviving Jewish people adopted the motto, “Never Again.” They had been the target of countless pogroms throughout History and this was their vow, this is their pledge to themselves, “Never Again!”

This seems to have been ratified by the victors of World War Two at the Nuremburg Trials where they convicted anyone they could find who was even remotely responsible and convicted them of crimes against humanity. It has been ratified over and over again since by war crime trials before the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

Never Again! As a world we have all affirmed it. Genocide is a crime against humanity and it cannot, it will not be tolerated and yet NEVER AGAIN keeps happening again....
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